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Anatomy & Physiology: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

Anatomy and Physiology explores the essentials of human structure and function through engaging, generously illustrated activities.

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Anatomy & Physiology: eBook (12 Month Personal License)

Anatomy and Physiology explores the essentials of human structure and function through engaging, generously illustrated activities.

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CIE Biology 1: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

This title is suitable for students doing the AS course. Students doing the full A-Level course will also require this title together with its companion title CIE Biology 2.

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CIE Biology 2: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

This title is suitable for students doing Year 2 of the full A-Level course, together with its companion title CIE Biology 1.

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Earth and Space Sciences for NGSS: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

Earth and Space Sciences for NGSS has been specifically written to meet the requirements of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for High School Earth and Space Sciences (HS-ESS)

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Environmental Science: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

BIOZONE’s Environmental Science Student Workbook introduces students to the Earth’s physical and biological systems, and examines the interactions of humans with their environment.

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IB Biology: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

The second edition of BIOZONE’s popular student workbook for IB Biology provides the core and AHL content in a single, comprehensive volume. The workbook’s structure accommodates both an integrated and spiral approaches to the course, with core material for both SL and HL material clearly identified and easily located.

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NCEA Level 2 Biology Externals: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

BIOZONE’s NCEA Level 2 Biology (Externals) has been developed as a versatile resource for use in the classroom, homework, revision, and exam preparation. It covers all external Achievement Standards for Level 2 Biology and has been substantially revised to improve accessibility to a wider student audience.

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NCEA Level 2 Biology Internals: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

BIOZONE’s NCEA Level 2 Biology (Internals) provides a comprehensive, engaging resource for use in both collaborative and independent learning environments. An emphasis on key ideas and learning in context supports students in meeting the content and skills requirements of the Level 2 Biology internally assessed NCEA Achievement Standards.

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NCEA Level 3 Biology Externals: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

BIOZONE’s NCEA Level 3 Biology (Externals) has been developed as a versatile resource for use in the classroom, homework, revision, and exam preparation. It covers all external Achievement Standards for Level 3 Biology and has been substantially revised, including the addition of a special scholarship section for more able students.

Sold: 10

NCEA Level 3 Biology Internals: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

BIOZONE’s NCEA Level 3 Biology (Internals) provides a comprehensive, engaging resource for use in both collaborative and independent learning environments. An emphasis on key ideas and learning in context supports students in meeting the content and skills requirements of the Level 3 Biology internally assessed NCEA Achievement Standards.

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Genes and Inheritance: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

Genes & Inheritance provides a comprehensive suite of activities through which students can develop a sound understanding of molecular genetics and inheritance.

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Cell Biology and Biochemistry: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

Cell Biology & Biochemistry covers the structure, function, and study of cells and their components and is an ideal support volume for a wide range of biology courses.

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Ecology : eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

Ecology explores the basic principles of modern ecology and provides students with the background they need to develop confidence in ecological methodology.

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Evolution: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

In Evolution, students are encouraged to explore the overwhelming evidence for evolutionary change in populations and to critically evaluate hypotheses for the mechanisms by which this change occurs.

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Health and Disease: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

Health & Disease provides students with comprehensive coverage of human health, human disease, and the role of modern medicine in treating and preventing health disorders.

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Human Evolution: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

Human Evolution takes students on an exploration of human origins, from our primate heritage to the new view of hominin diversity and the significance of recent interpretations of fossil and genetic evidence.

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Microbiology and Biotechnology: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

Microbiology and Biotechnology provides objectives and activities through which students can explore aspects of the microbial world. The essential role of microorganisms in traditional and modern biotechnology is thoroughly covered through a variety of engaging, clearly explained activities

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Skills in Biology: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)

Skills in Biology provides students with comprehensive guidelines for planning and executing biological investigations in both the laboratory and the field.

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