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The Living Earth (2nd Ed): eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)
The Living Earth has been designed and written to meet the requirements of the California Science Framework (HS Three-Course Model). This phenomenon-based title is fully three-dimensional in its approach, employing the 5Es instructional model to encourage inquiry and build a deeper understanding of science as a discipline.
Product Description
The Living Earth has been designed and written to meet the requirements of the California Science Framework (HS Three-Course Model). This phenomenon-based title is fully three-dimensional in its approach, employing the 5Es instructional model to encourage inquiry and build a deeper understanding of science as a discipline.
The book is organized into six instructional segments, with an additional reference chapter supporting mathematical and computational skills. The chapters build progressively on knowledge and skills and there is an interconnectedness throughout the book as students explore and explain phenomena. The analysis and interpretation of data and text, independent research and inquiry, and use of conceptual and physical models underpin the design of the activities. Practical investigations are clearly identified and easily accessible; no special kits are required. Students are encouraged, through the activities, to collaborate with their peers and be open to modifying their models and explanations based on evidence. Environmental literacy is well supported through checkpoints and questions, and design challenges are addressed in context as appropriate.
The introduction to each chapter provides a checklist of student learning aims matched to specific activities for easy navigation. Crosscutting Concepts, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Science and Engineering Practices are fully integrated in all activities and assessments.
The Living Earth offers a learning experience anchored in student-relevant phenomena and problems. It provides an engaging, relevant, and rigorous program of instruction for any NGSS-aligned states integrating Earth Science with Biology.