Showing 27–32 of 32 results
Physical Sciences for NGSS: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)
Physical Sciences has been specifically written to meet the high school physics requirements of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The three dimensions (science practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas) of the standards are integrated throughout the workbook.
Physics of the Universe: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)
Physics of the Universe has been designed and written following the High School Three-Course Model for California. It will also suit NGSS-aligned states integrating Space Science with Physics. This phenomena-based title takes a three-dimensional approach to provide an engaging, relevant, and rigorous program of instruction.
Senior Biology 1: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)
This student workbook and its companion title Senior Biology 2 are suitable for any general biology program and particularly suitable for Honors Biology. An excellent resource for classroom activities, homework, extension and exam revision.
Senior Biology 2: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)
This student workbook and its companion title Senior Biology 1 are suitable for any general biology program and particularly suitable for Honors Biology. An excellent resource for classroom activities, homework, extension and exam revision.
Skills in Biology: eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)
Skills in Biology provides students with comprehensive guidelines for planning and executing biological investigations in both the laboratory and the field.
The Living Earth (2nd Ed): eBook (12 Month Personal Licence)
The Living Earth has been designed and written to meet the requirements of the California Science Framework (HS Three-Course Model). This phenomenon-based title is fully three-dimensional in its approach, employing the 5Es instructional model to encourage inquiry and build a deeper understanding of science as a discipline.
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