AP Biology 2 – Student Edition
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Student Edition
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PRINT: Paperback, Full Color
Product Description
Our AP Biology series is comprised of two titles, each covering different topics. AP2 Biology 2 covers the following topics: Metabolism, The Physiology and Behavior of Organisms and Ecology. BIOZONE’s 2017 editions of our popular AP Biology 1 & 2 student books build on the successful approach of previous editions. They feature revised content and easy-to-use tools for identifying program requirements and assessing student performance. For ease of use, the full course work for AP Biology has been published as two companion titles (like 2 semesters).AP Biology 1 is the companion to this title. Each title can be purchased individually or as the AP Biology Bundle. Some of the features of these significantly enhanced editions include:- Chapter introductions provide a summary of required knowledge, encapsulating the Essential Knowledge of the AP curriculum framework (2015) and matched point for point.
- A Key Idea introduces each activity, providing a clear focus and “take-home” message for the student.
- Activities to support student-led inquiry and a larger number of activities involving data analysis and modeling.
- Case studies and required illustrative examples.
- Easy-to-use coding for weblinks, content and concept connections, and science practices:
- Science Practices are well supported through integrated activities in both volumes.
- Concept and Content Connections codes enable students to make important connections across the entire program.
- Content to support the 13 required practicals.
- Both volumes include content adjustments and updates in light of the latest (2015) review of the framework and in keeping with the dynamic nature of science.
- Review activities at the end of each chapter enable students to test their understanding and are ideal as formative assessment tasks.
- Synoptic activities suitable as summative assessments conclude each section of work.
Features and Benefits
- 400+ activities across the two companion titles: Varied, engaging activities provide ample opportunity for students to explore and test their understanding of the content.
- The four big ideas provide a thematic framework for presenting a wealth of illustrative examples to support the required content.
- Concept maps make connections between key content areas.
- A key idea for each activity and access to support online engages students and supports a deeper understanding.
- Enduring understandings are clearly identified and developed through the learning objectives and their supporting activities.
- Essential knowledge: Learning outcomes are based on the essential knowledge requirements of the AP Biology Curriculum Framework, outlining the knowledge and skills students must acquire.

- Energy in Living Systems
- Enzymes and Metabolism
The Physiology and Behavior of Organisms
- Homeostasis and Energy Allocation
- Plant Structure and Adaptation
- Comparing Animal Systems
- Interactions in Physiological Systems
- Defense Mechanisms
- Timing and Coordination
- Communicating and Responding
- Populations and Communities
- Energy Flow and Nutrient Cycles
- The Diversity and Stability of Ecosystems
The Teacher Toolkit
BIOZONE’s Teacher Toolkit is a suite of resources specifically developed to help you plan and deliver an engaging NGSS program. Additional assessment tools are also provided allowing you to easily assess student understanding.
- Teachers Edition (PRINT)
- Presentation Media (PowerPoint Slides)
- Classroom Guide
eBook Versions
BIOZONE eBooks provide a digital replica of the printed work text, allowing students and teachers to seamlessly transition between both formats in a hybrid delivery situation. It is easy to incorporate eBook material into your learning management system. You can direct students to the required activity and provide notes and guidance about what you want them to do.
Differentiated Instruction & Accessibility
ELL support using ReadSpeaker:
- Read Aloud
- Translation for 21 languages
Glossaries: English & Spanish
NIMAS Conversions
eBook Personal Licences
This solution best suits students who wish to have a simple eBook version of the print book that has limited interactivity. One-year licences are sold on an individual student basis only. These can be purchased immediately via our online store (shopping cart). See full details on eBooks here.