CIE Biology 1 – Digital Teacher’s Edition
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Digital Teacher's Edition
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Categories Biology, CIE Biology 1&2, CIE Programs, Digital, Digital Teachers Edition
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This product is complimentary with a purchase of 20+ student books or eBooks of the same title. Access will be only be given to a teacher with an institutional email address. Please contact the sales team for more information.Product Description
The CIE Biology 1 Digital Teacher’s Edition includes a full non-printable PDF version of the workbook. Suggested model answers are included on each page in an interactive HIDE/SHOW format, making it suitable for use with an interactive whiteboard. This product is DRM protected and requires registration.
- Digital Teacher’s EditionFull PDF (non-printable) with SHOW/HIDE answers
- Model AnswersFull PDF (non-printable)
- Teacher’s GuideProviding strategies to effectively use BIOZONE’s workbooks
- Additional ActivitiesSupplementary statistical activities (printable)
- WeblinksAdditional online resources supporting the workbook activities
- Crossword PuzzlesInteractive and PDF versions (printable)
- Spreadsheets and StatisticsMicrosoft Excel spreadsheets to support statistical activities
- Glossary WorksheetsPDF worksheets with SHOW/HIDE definitions (printable)
- BONUS CONTENTPresentation Media: Mutations – full color editable slideshow presentation