CIE Biology 2 – Student Edition
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Student Edition
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No. Pages
PRINT: Paperback, Full Color DIGITAL: Personal License or School License
Product Description
This title is suitable for students doing Year 2 of the full A-Level course, together with its companion title CIE Biology 1. Clear diagrams, explanations, and targeted learning outcomes drawn from the specification content accompany a variety of questions and tasks to create an innovative resource that encourages achievement in students of all abilities. CIE Biology Student Workbooks are well suited for classroom or homework use, independent study, review, exam preparation, and extension.Features
- 204 Varied, Engaging ActivitiesProvide ample opportunity for students to explore and test their understanding of the specification content
- Clear Specification MapThe workbook structure follows the specification, with a variety of engaging contexts providing relevance to today’s learners.
- Scaffolded learningThe concept-based approach provides a scaffold for student learning. A wealth of illustrative examples support required content and build knowledge and skills.
- Clear learning outcomesLearning outcomes outline the knowledge and skills that students must acquire, with additional guidance as appropriate.
- Scientific literacyConfidence is developed through targeted activities.
- Chapter ReviewsStudent-generated chapter reviews provide opportunity for consolidation.
- Unique Tab SystemBIOZONE’s unique tab system identifies relevant online resources and connections to related concepts across the entire specification.
- Energy and Respiration
- Photosynthesis
- Homeostasis
- Control and Coordination
- Inherited Change
- Selection and Evolution
- Biodiversity, Classification, and Conservation
- Gene Technology
The Teacher Toolkit
BIOZONE’s Teacher Toolkit is a suite of resources specifically developed to help you plan and deliver an engaging CIE program.
- Classroom Guide
eBook Versions
BIOZONE eBooks provide a digital replica of the printed work text, allowing students and teachers to seamlessly transition between both formats in a hybrid delivery situation. It is easy to incorporate eBook material into your learning management system. You can direct students to the required activity and provide notes and guidance about what you want them to do.
eBook Versions
BIOZONE eBooks provide a digital replica of the printed work text, allowing students and teachers to seamlessly transition between both formats in a hybrid delivery situation. It is easy to incorporate eBook material into your learning management system. You can direct students to the required activity and provide notes and guidance about what you want them to do.
Differentiated Instruction & Accessibility
ELL support using ReadSpeaker:
- Read Aloud
- Translation for 21 languages
Glossaries: English & Spanish NIMAS Conversions
eBook Personal Licences
This solution best suits students who wish to have a simple eBook version of the print book that has limited interactivity. One-year licences are sold on an individual student basis only. These can be purchased immediately via our online store (shopping cart). See full details on eBooks here.
Additional Resources