The Living Earth – Classroom Guide
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Classroom Guide
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Categories Classroom Guide, Digital
Teacher toolkit
Student support
Product Description
This FREE ancillary product for teachers provides answers to FAQs including:
- Features of both the student book and Teacher’s Edition explained, with special reference to how it meets the requirements of the California Science Framework.
- Full mapping explaining integration of the 3 dimensions of the framework and CA CCSS.
- Teaching strategies using the BIOZONE solution, including:
- Scaffolded learning using the 5Es instructional model
- Using collaborative learning in a differentiated classroom
- Strategies for ELD/ELA
- Extending gifted and talented students
- Promoting inquiry using practical investigations
- Assigning activities for homework/self study
- Formative and summative assessment, including specifically identified performance expectations
- Addressing California CCSS for math and literacy
- Addressing California EP&Cs and promotion of environmental literacy
- Using BIOZONE’s Resource Hub
- Ancillary products to support teaching and learning
- Strategies for pacing and lesson planning
Teacher toolkit
The Teacher Toolkit
BIOZONE’s Teacher Toolkit is a suite of resources specifically developed to help you plan and deliver an engaging NGSS program. Additional assessment tools are also provided allowing you to easily assess student understanding.
- Teachers Edition (PRINT)
- Teachers Edition (eBook)
- Digital Teachers Edition (Digital PDF)
- Presentation Media (PowerPoint Slides)
- Question Library
- Test bank
- Classroom Guide
- Professional Development and Implementation
eBook Versions
BIOZONE eBooks provide a digital replica of the printed work text, allowing students and teachers to seamlessly transition between both formats in a hybrid delivery situation. It is easy to incorporate eBook material into your learning management system. You can direct students to the required activity and provide notes and guidance about what you want them to do.
Student support