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Available until 4th June 2024. 

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Showing 16–30 of 73 results

  • SKU: CES1
    BIOZONE's Chemistry in the Earth System series is written specifically to address an Integrated Chemistry course adaptation of the NGSS program.
    RRP: £27.99
    Volume discount: £20.99
  • TLE2-SE
    SKU: TLE2
    The Living Earth has been designed and written following the High School Three-Course Model for California. It will also suit NGSS-aligned states integrating Earth Science with Biology. This phenomena-based title takes a three-dimensional approach and emphasizes student inquiry to provide an engaging, relevant, and rigorous program of instruction.
    RRP: £27.99
    Volume discount: £20.99
  • SKU: ENS
    Environmental Science introduces students to the Earth’s physical and biological systems, and the interactions of humans with these. This revision introduces new content and aligns the workbook to its supporting digital resources.
    RRP: £23.99
    Volume discount: £15.99
    SKU: APES1
    AP Environmental Science introduces students to the Earth’s physical and biological systems, and the interactions of humans with these.
    RRP: £36.99
    Volume discount: £27.99
  • SKU: NES1
    Earth and Space Sciences for NGSS has been specifically written to meet the requirements of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for High School Earth and Space Sciences.
    RRP: £21.99
    Volume discount: £14.99
  • SKU: ANP
    Anatomy and Physiology explores the essentials of human structure and function through engaging, generously illustrated activities. Much of the content in the first edition has been revised to include larger diagrams, more photographs, and greater depth of coverage in key areas.
    RRP: £23.99
    Volume discount: £15.99
  • SKU: IB
    BIOZONE’s new student workbook for IB Biology provides the core SL/AHL content in a single, comprehensive, volume. SL and AHL content are seamlessly integrated to accommodate a range of student abilities.
    RRP: £29.99
    Volume discount: £21.99
    PLEASE NOTE: Model Answers are for TEACHER PURCHASE ONLY. To purchase Model Answers you MUST use an Official Institutional Email and Shipping Address. Must be purchased in conjunction with a minimum of 20+ copies of the student editions of the same title.
    RRP: £5.99
    Volume discount: £NA
  • SKU: ANP3-TE
    TEACHER PURCHASE ONLY - The Teacher’s Edition is identical to the Student Edition, with the additional feature of having answers to questions appearing in place.
    RRP: £59.99
    Volume discount: £NA
  • SKU: AP2CG-2
    The Classroom Guides complement BIOZONE's Student Workbooks, providing a wealth of information on how to use these resources to best effect. Strategies for effective differential instruction and achieving key competencies in areas such as literacy are described.
    RRP: £0.00
    Volume discount: £NA
  • SKU: AP-CG-2
    The Classroom Guides complement BIOZONE's Student Workbooks, providing a wealth of information on how to use these resources to best effect. Strategies for effective differential instruction and achieving key competencies in areas such as literacy are described.
    RRP: £0.00
    Volume discount: £NA
    The AQA Biology 1 Classroom Guide complements BIOZONE's AQA Biology 1 Student Workbook, providing a wealth of information on how to use these resources to best effect.
    RRP: £0.00
    Volume discount: £NA
  • SKU: AP1A-2
    PLEASE NOTE: Model Answers are for TEACHER PURCHASE ONLY. To purchase Model Answers you MUST use an Official Institutional Email and Shipping Address. Must be purchased in conjunction with a minimum of 20+ copies of the student editions of the same title.
    RRP: £5.99
    Volume discount: £NA
  • SKU: AP1-2
    BIOZONE's AP BIOLOGY 1 Student Edition has been written for the amended AP Biology Curriculum Framework. Clear diagrams, concise explanations, and targeted learning objectives accompany intelligent questioning to create an innovative resource that encourages achievement in students of all abilities. AP Biology 1 Student Edition is well suited for classroom or homework use, independent study, review, and extension.
    RRP: £25.99
    Volume discount: £17.99
    The AQA Biology 2 Classroom Guide complements BIOZONE's AQA Biology 2 Student Workbook, providing a wealth of information on how to use these resources to best effect.
    RRP: £0.00
    Volume discount: £NA
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    • Get up to 35% off RRP for any print student editions when you buy online via our shopping cart.
    • Also get FREE SHIPPING on orders over £50.
    • Sale ends:  4th June 2024 while stocks last!
    • Purchases MUST be made via our shopping cart (credit card purchase only).
    • Does not include digital products.
    • To qualify for FREE Shipping – address must be in the United Kingdom for delivery.