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Showing 31–36 of 36 results

  • SKU: MS7
    A comprehensive treatment of human origins; one of biology’s most controversial and rapidly changing topics. With an engaging treatment of primate biology and comprehensive up-to-date coverage of both human physical and cultural evolution, Human Evolution is the perfect supplement for both biology and anthropology students. This considerably revise...
    RRP: $20.95
    Volume discount: $14.95
  • SKU: MS1
    Microbiology and Biotechnology provides objectives and activities through which students can explore aspects of the microbial world. The essential role of microorganisms in traditional and modern biotechnology is thoroughly covered through a variety of engaging, clearly explained activities. This revision includes new material on the place of genom...
    RRP: $20.95
    Volume discount: $14.95
  • SKU: MS3
    Skills in Biology (3rd edition) provides a suite of meticulously organized and engaging activities aimed at developing the skills essential to all biology students. Comprising 92 separate activities over 156 pages, this resource supports students in developing the practical and analytical skills essential to life sciences. Clear learning objecti...
    RRP: $20.95
    Volume discount: $14.95
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