New Jersey

High School Science Resources

Our New Jersey High School resources are unlike any you’ve seen before, and a departure from the traditional basal textbook paradigm. We take a “WorkText” approach, combining the best features of a traditional textbook with the utility of an interactive workbook. BIOZONE’s unique approach encourages direct interaction with the content, allowing students to record their answers within the context of the stimulus material and form a “record of work” for quick and easy revision.

New Jersey Resources

Print and Digital Formats Available For All Programs


The Ultimate Digital Science Platform


BIOZONE is excited to announce the launch of BIOZONE WORLD. A stunning new science content delivery platform that brings together all of our digital resources for easy access.

All the titles found on this page are available digitally through BIOZONE WORLD!

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Comprehensive Resources For New Jersey

Environmental science

Environmental Science

earth & Space

Earth & Space Sciences For NGSS

physical sciences

Physical Sciences For NGSS

Biology For NGSS

Biology For NGSS

AP Environmental Sciences
IB 3
Ap Biology
anatomy & physiology
Anatomy & Physiology

Your Sales Rep

Kathie sales rep for New Jersey

Kathie Crowley-Carucci

Phone: 631-946-1586


An Introduction To BIOZONE

What makes BIOZONE different? Our “worktext” approach combines the best features from both textbooks and workbooks, encouraging students to create a record of work within the context of the book. 

Our resources encourage students to develop their research skills and build upon their understanding of the subject.

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