Physics of the Universe
Teacher's Edition
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IMPORTANT: Teacher Only Resource
This product can only be purchased when ordering/recently ordered a class set (20+) of student editions of the same title.
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This title is for teacher purchase only and is not sold to students. This product can only be purchased when ordering/recently ordered a class set (20+) of student editions of the same title. *Proof of previous order will be required at checkout. E.g Purchase order number.Product Description
Physics of the Universe has been developed and written specifically to address the content and aims of the CA-NGSS framework for the three course model, including the performance expectations for HS-PS and HS-ESS as outlined in that document. The Teacher’s Edition is a version of the student book with additional features specifically designed to aid the teacher’s implementation of the CA-NGSS framework. These features include:- Extended contents with the 5E structure outlined
- Indicator flags to identify extension or more difficult content
- Summary alignment of all activities to Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, Crosscutting Concepts, and Performance Expectations
- Suggested answers in place
- Long answers to research questions at the back of the book
- Embedded coding in chapter introductions to identify the three dimensions of the NGSS framework in context
- Explanations of the pedagogical approach and strategies for differentiated classrooms
- Forces and Motion
- Forces at a Distance
- Energy Conversion and Renewable Energy
- Nuclear Processes and Earth History
- Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation
- Stars and the Origins of the Universe
- Basic skills for physics students
The Teacher Toolkit
BIOZONE’s Teacher Toolkit is a suite of resources specifically developed to help you plan and deliver an engaging Physics of the Universe program. Additional assessment tools are also provided allowing you to easily assess student understanding.
- Teachers Edition (PRINT)
- Teachers Edition (BIOZONE WORLD Teacher Access ONLY)
- Presentation Media (PowerPoint Slides)
- Question Library
- Classroom Guide
- Test Banks
- Professional Development and Implementation
BIOZONE WORLD provide a digital replica of the printed work text, allowing students and teachers to seamlessly transition between both formats in a hybrid delivery situation. It is easy to incorporate BIOZONE WORLD material into your learning management system. You can direct students to the required activity and provide notes and guidance about what you want them to do. Including hide and show answers in the context of the book.
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